Объект в javascript — это неупорядоченный список примитивных типов данных.

let myObj = {
name: “Vini”
You can access the property of an object via myObj[“name”]

Различные способы создания объекта javascript

  1. Литерал объекта
// This is an empty object initialized using the object literal notation​​
var myBooks = {};​​// This is an object with 4 items, again using object literal​​
var mango = 
{color: "yellow",
shape: "round",
sweetness: 8,​​
howSweetAmI: function () {
console.log("Hmm Hmm Good");

2. Конструктор объектов

var mango =  new Object ();
mango.color = "yellow";
mango.shape= "round";
mango.sweetness = 8;​
mango.howSweetAmI = function () {
console.log("Hmm Hmm Good");

3. Шаблон конструктора для создания объектов

function Fruit (theColor, theSweetness, theFruitName, theNativeToLand) 
 this.color = theColor;
 this.sweetness = theSweetness; 
 this.fruitName = theFruitName;
 this.nativeToLand = theNativeToLand;​
 this.showName = function () { 
       console.log("This is a " + this.fruitName);  
 this.nativeTo = function () { 
   this.nativeToLand.forEach(function (eachCountry) {    
   console.log("Grown in:" + eachCountry);     

Шаблон прототипа для создания объектов

function Fruit () {​
Fruit.prototype.color = "Yellow";
Fruit.prototype.sweetness = 7;
Fruit.prototype.fruitName = "Generic Fruit";Fruit.prototype.nativeToLand = "USA";​
Fruit.prototype.showName = function () {
console.log("This is a " + this.fruitName);
Fruit.prototype.nativeTo = function () {            console.log("Grown in:" + this.nativeToLand);