В этом сообщении блога мы рассмотрим, как перевернуть строку, содержащую специальные символы, с помощью Python и JavaScript. Мы пошагово объясним код и приведем примеры для демонстрации функциональности. Давайте погрузимся!

Реализация JavaScript:

// This function takes an input string and reverses it while preserving the position
// of special characters. Special characters are defined as any characters that are
// not letters (A-Z or a-z) or digits (0-9).

function reverseStringWithSpecialChars(inputStr) {
  // Step 1: Find all the special characters in the input string and store them in 'specialChars'.
  const specialChars = inputStr.match(/[^A-Za-z0-9]/g);

  // Step 2: Remove all special characters from the input string, reverse the remaining alphanumeric
  // characters, and store the result in 'reversedAlphaNumeric'.
  const reversedAlphaNumeric = inputStr.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9]/g, '').split('').reverse().join('');

  // Initialize an empty string 'reversedStr' to store the final reversed string.
  let reversedStr = '';

  // Initialize a variable 'specialCharIndex' to keep track of the special characters.
  let specialCharIndex = 0;

  // Step 3: Loop through the original input string.
// Loop through each character in the input string.
for (let i = 0; i < inputStr.length; i++) {
  // Check if the current character is a special character:
  if (/[^A-Za-z0-9]/.test(inputStr[i])) {
    // If it's special:
    // - Take the next special character from 'specialChars'.
    // - Add that special character to the result string ('reversedStr').
    // - Move to the next special character by increasing 'specialCharIndex'.
    reversedStr += specialChars[specialCharIndex];
  } else {
    // If it's not special (i.e., it's a letter or digit):
    // - Take the corresponding character from the reversed alphanumeric string ('reversedAlphaNumeric').
    // - Add that character to the result string ('reversedStr').
    // - To ensure the characters align correctly, we use 'i - specialCharIndex' to adjust the index.
    reversedStr += reversedAlphaNumeric.charAt(i - specialCharIndex);
  // Step 4: Return the final reversed string with special characters in their original positions.
  return reversedStr;

// Example usage:
const inputStr = "th-gfE-dCbal";
const result = reverseStringWithSpecialChars(inputStr);
console.log(result); // Output: "la-bCd-Efght"

Реализация Python:

def reverse_string_with_special_chars(input_str):
    # Step 1: Find all special characters and store them in 'special_chars'.
    special_chars = ''.join([char for char in input_str if not char.isalnum()])
    # Step 2: Reverse the alphanumeric characters and store them in 'reversed_alphanumeric'.
    reversed_alphanumeric = ''.join([char for char in input_str if char.isalnum()])[::-1]
    # Initialize an empty string 'reversed_str' to store the final reversed string.
    reversed_str = ''
    # Initialize a variable 'special_char_index' to keep track of special characters.
    special_char_index = 0
    # Step 3: Loop through the input string.
    for i in range(len(input_str)):
        # If the current character is not alphanumeric (a special character):
        if not input_str[i].isalnum():
            # Add the next special character from 'special_chars' to 'reversed_str'.
            reversed_str += special_chars[special_char_index]
            # Move to the next special character.
            special_char_index += 1
            # If the current character is alphanumeric:
            # Add the corresponding character from 'reversed_alphanumeric' to 'reversed_str'.
            # Adjust the index by subtracting 'special_char_index' to account for special characters.
            reversed_str += reversed_alphanumeric[i - special_char_index]
    # Step 4: Return the final reversed string with special characters in their original positions.
    return reversed_str

# Example usage:
input_str = "th-gfE-dCbal"
result = reverse_string_with_special_chars(input_str)
print(result)  # Output: "la-bCd-Efght"

Изучая больше алгоритмов и концепций, помните, что практика и настойчивость имеют решающее значение. Чем больше вы будете решать проблемы и совершенствовать свои навыки, тем увереннее и способнее вы станете как программист. Итак, продолжайте программировать, продолжайте исследовать и продолжать решать новые задачи. Приятного кодирования!


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