По сути, это учебные заметки из этой статьи.

Сложные модели размывают границы

* -- Entanglement of features and feature distributions * -- Correction cascades creating cascade chains of models and dependency hell * -- Undeclared consumers for the model predictions

Зависимости данных обходятся дороже, чем зависимости кода

* -- Unstable Data Dependencies unstable input data or signals or predictions from a previous model..(For ex: in [speech to text](https://github.com/kaldi-asr/kaldi), the syllables is a prediction and signal/input to the word-language model) * -- Underutilized Data Dependencies (Creep in via Legacy Features, Bundled Features, Correlated Features etc) * -- Static analysis of data dependencies can help mitigate these issues to some extent

Петли обратной связи

* -- Direct Feedback loops(In speech to text ,it can come from changes in languages and pronounciation) * -- Hidden Feedback loops (These can come from not understanding the business use-case as explicitly as possible or other things like change in the nature of the use-case and demand itself. For ex: user expectations changing after getting used to the tool)

Антипаттерны ML-системы:

* -- Glue code -- in general, things like cleaning code, connecting model prediction, and business use-case etc. * -- Pipeline Jungles Huge mess of pre-processing of audio files.. different formats, different language and accent detection(this can also be cascaded models) etc.. * -- Dead code on Experimental codepaths: probably from a bunch of experimental models different NN architectures, different custom models etc.. * -- Abstraction Debt: No clear standard abstraction for ML models. (like RDBMS for database)

Общие запахи:

* -- Plain-old-data type smells.. assume some data types but the input stream is changing... * -- Multiple Language smell: this is programming language and how using multiple languages in a project cause multiple problems/issues at the interfaces. * -- Prototype smell: The prototype is written and makes invalid assumptions. Even whatever validation that has been done for the prototype is not valid outside of the small audience this was tested on.

Задолженность по конфигурации:

* -- Wide range of configurable options from input data stream segregation/categorizations, model size and dependencies tuned to latency/thoroughput of the predictions, model choice, input features, data summarization methods, verification methods etc.. * -- If there's a lack of configuration management the system can become a black box impossible to debug and therefore improve. While these are similar to common software applications, these are doubly problematic in ML models as a lot of models are considered black-box by default and are already hard to reason about without these configuration issues.

Работа с изменениями во внешнем мире.

* -- Fixed thresholds in Dynamic Systems: * -- Monitoring and Testing for the model's failure limits (for ex: in case of a data outlier) Things to monitor: * -- Prediction Bias * -- Action Limits(say a trading algo relying on a model should have limits) * -- Up-stream Producers (aka data pre-processing pipelines, for ex: a moving window of 100 ticks/events may not be right for different(higher) velocity of input data.)


* -- Data testing Debt * -- Reproducibility Debt * -- Process Management Debt * -- Cultural Debt

Первоначально опубликовано на http://softwaremechanic.net 23 июня 2020 г.