Fortran — один из старейших языков программирования, который используется до сих пор. С годами он потерял свой блеск и популярность, но по-прежнему остается удобным инструментом для ученых, инженеров и начинающих программистов. Это отличный язык для начинающих программистов, потому что он имеет строгие правила, такие как 72-символьные предельные строки, а также небольшую встроенную функциональность, которая требует большего осмысления и понимания процессов, но обеспечивает превосходную гибкость функциональности. В этой статье мы рассмотрим многочисленные примеры того, как Фортран можно применять для решения уникальных задач.

Фортран для разработки месторождений

! Programmer: Roberto Carlos Baldizon Diaz
! Program: Diff
! Description: This program solves 1-D Steady State 
!  Diffusivity using Central Difference 
subroutine thomas(a,b,c,d,n)
implicit none
integer,intent(in) :: n
 real(4),dimension(n),intent(in) :: a,b,c,d
 real(4),dimension(n) :: x
 real (4) :: m
 real(4),dimension(n) :: c_k,d_k
 integer :: i
do i=2,n
 m = b(i)-c_k(i-1)*a(i)
 c_k(i) = c(i)/m
 d_k(i) = (d(i)-d_k(i-1)*a(i))/m
 end do
x(n) = d_k(n)
do i=n-1,1,-1
 end do
do i = 1, n, 1
 write(*,*) x(i)
 end do
 end subroutine thomas
program diff
 implicit none
integer, parameter :: n=10
 integer :: dx
 integer :: i
 real, parameter :: P_in=1000
 real, parameter :: P_out=3000
 real, dimension (n) :: l
 real, parameter :: x_2=2000
 real, dimension (n) :: k0
 real, dimension (n) :: k
 real, dimension(n) :: a
 real, dimension(n) :: b
 real, dimension(n) :: c
 real, dimension(n) :: d
do i = 1, n-1, 1
 l(i) = dx/2 + i*dx
 end do
do i= 1, n, 1
 k0(i) = 100 *0.5*(2000-l(i))
 end do
do i = 1, n, 1
 d(1) = — 2*k(1)*k(1+1)/(k(1)+k(1+1))*P_in
 if(i>1) then
 a(i) = 2*k(i)*k(i+1)/(k(i)+k(i+1))
 b(i) = -( 2*k(i)*k(i+1)/(k(i)+k(i+1))+2*k(i+1)*k(i+2)
 + /(k(i+1)+k(i+2)))
 else if(i<n) then
 c(i) = 2*k(i+1)*k(i+2)/(k(i+1)+k(i+2))
 d(i) = — 2*k(i+1)*k(i+2)/(k(i+1)+k(i+2))*P_out
 end if
 end do
call thomas(a,b,c,d,n)
end program diff

Фортран для проектирования электростанций

! Programmer: Roberto Carlos Baldizon Diaz
! Program: gas_combustion
! Description: This program computes molar outflow rate
!  of air for CH4,C2H6,C3H8,C4H10 combustion
program gas_combustion
 implicit none
logical :: isInputValid ! legitimate: true when value entered is positive and in percentage when needed
 real :: a ! percentage excess air
 real :: rf ! signal for in flow of air theoretical 
 real :: a1 ! moles of methane
 real :: a2 ! moles of ethane
 real :: a3 ! moles of propane
 real :: a4 ! moles of butane
 real :: nf ! molar in flow rate of air including excess (kmol/h)
 real :: x1 ! percentage composition of methane
 real :: x2 ! percentage composition of ethane
 real :: x3 ! percentage composition of propane
 real :: x4 ! percentage composition of butane
 real :: na ! final molar out flow of air (kmol/h)
 real :: o2prop ! percentage oxygen composition in air
 real :: ra ! signal for out flow of air theoretical 
write(*,’(a,$)’) “Enter desired Excess Air percentage (%):”
 read *, a
isInputValid = .TRUE.
 if(a < 0 .OR. a > 100) then ! Error Message
 write (*,*) “Desired Excess Air must be postitive and in percentage:”
 isInputValid = .FALSE.
 end if
 write(*,’(a,$)’) “Enter Theoretical Molar Air Flow for furnace:”
 read *, rf
isInputValid = .TRUE.
 if(rf < 0) then ! Error Message
 write (*,*) “Theoretical Molar Air Flow for furnace must be positive:”
 isInputValid = .FALSE.
 end if
write(*,’(a,$)’) “Enter desired moles of Methane for combustion:”
 read *, a1
isInputValid = .TRUE.
 if(a1 < 0) then ! Error Message
 write (*,*) “Composition of Methane be must positive:”
 isInputValid = .FALSE.
 end if
write(*,’(a,$)’) “Enter desired moles of Ethane for combustion:”
 read *, a2
isInputValid = .TRUE.
 if(a2 < 0) then ! Error Message
 write (*,*) “Composition of Ethane be must positive:”
 isInputValid = .FALSE.
 end if
write(*,’(a,$)’) “Enter desired moles of Propane for combustion:”
 read *, a3
isInputValid = .TRUE.
 if(a3 < 0) then ! Error Message
 write (*,*) “Composition of Propane be must positive:”
 isInputValid = .FALSE.
 end if
write(*,’(a,$)’) “Enter desired moles of Butane for combustion:”
 read *, a4
isInputValid = .TRUE.
 if(a4 < 0) then ! Error Message
 write (*,*) “Composition of Butane be must positive:”
 isInputValid = .FALSE.
 end if
 if(isInputValid) then ! Only Compute when input was legitimate
 nf = (a)*(rf) 
 end if
 if(isInputValid) then ! Only Compute when input was legitimate
 x1 = (a1)/(a1+a2+a3+a4) 
 end if
 if(isInputValid) then ! Only Compute when input was legitimate
 x2 = (a2)/(a1+a2+a3+a4) 
 end if
 if(isInputValid) then ! Only Compute when input was legitimate
 x3 = (a3)/(a1+a2+a3+a4) 
 end if
 if(isInputValid) then ! Only Compute when input was legitimate
 x4 = (a4)/(a1+a2+a3+a4) 
 end if
 if(isInputValid) then ! Only Compute when input was legitimate
 na = (nf/o2prop)*((2*x1)+
 + (3.5*x2)+(0.6*x3)+(0.62x4)
 end if
 if(isInputValid) then ! Only Compute when input was legitimate
 nf = (inclass*.1)+(quiz*.04)+
 + (progexam1*.15)+(writexam1*.13)
 + +(progexam2*.15)+(writexam2*.15)
 + +(finalproject*.08)+(finalexam*.2)
 end if
 if(isInputValid) then ! Only Compute when input was legitimate
 ra = (1-a)*(100)
 end if
if(isInputValid) then ! Only Compute when input was legitimate
 write(*,*) “Molar flow of the fuel gas:”, nf
 write(*,*) “Mole fraction of Methane:”, x1
 write(*,*) “Mole fraction of Ethane:”, x2
 write(*,*) “Mole fraction of Propane”, x3
 write(*,*) “Mole fraction of Butane:”, x4
 write(*,*) “Molar flow rate of the air fed to the furnace:”, na
 write(*,*) “Control valve signal for air fed to furnace”, ra 
 end if
end program gas_combustion

Fortran для вычисления сдачи в монетах

! Programmer: Roberto Carlos Baldizon Diaz
! Description: This program computes change in coins.
program coins
 implicit none
integer :: cents ! Amount of change entered in cents by user
 integer :: quarter ! Amount of quarters (each 25 cents) user has to give back
 integer :: dime ! Amount of dimes (each 10 cents) user has to give back
 integer :: nickel ! Amount of nickels (each 5 cents) user has to give back
 integer :: penny ! Amount of pennies (each 1 cent) user has to give back
 write(*,’(a,$)’) “Enter an amount of change in cents:”
 read *, cents
 write(*,*) “”
 quarter = cents/25
 dime = (modulo(cents, 25))/10
nickel = (modulo((modulo(cents, 25)), 10))/5
 penny = modulo((modulo((modulo(cents, 25)), 10)), 5)
 write(*,’(a,$)’) “The coins you should get back are:”
 write(*,*) “”
write(*,*) quarter, “quarter(s)”
 write(*,*) dime, “dime(s)”
 write(*,*) nickel, “nickel(s)”
 write(*,*) penny, “pennies”
end program coins

Fortran для сравнения веса планет с весом Земли

! Programmer: Roberto Carlos Baldizon Diaz
! Description: This lab computes weights from other planets in terms of Earth
program planetweight
implicit none
real :: weight ! Weight enetered by user in certain planet
 character :: planet 
 ! Input planets Mercury (M), Venus (V), Mars (R)
 ! Jupiter (J), Saturn (S), Uranus (U), Neptune (N)
 write(*,’(a,$)’) “Enter your weight in lb:”
 read *, weight
write*(*,’(a)’) “Select a planet where this weight was measured:”,
 + “(M)ercury”,
 + “(V)enus”, 
 + “Ma(R)s”,
 + “(J)upiter”,
 + “(S)aturn”,
 + “(U)ranus”,
 + “(N)eptune”
write(*,*) “”
 write(*,’(a,$)’) “Planet choice:”
 read *, planet
write(*,*) “‘
 planet = achar(planet) 
 select case(planet)
 case (77)
 weight = weight/0.37
end program planetweight

Fortran для поиска наибольшего ввода в наборе данных

! Programmer: Roberto Carlos Baldizon Diaz
! Purpose: This program determines the largest input out of a data set
program largest
 implicit none
 integer :: i ! Loop index
 real :: x ! Input data point
 real :: sum ! sum of data points
 real :: count ! Amount of data points collected
sum = 0 ! Sum’s initial value
 count = 0 ! Count’s initial value
 do ! Process data points
 if(x == -1) exit
 write(*,’(a,$)’) “Enter another number or -1 to quit:” ! Get more data
 read *, x
if(x /= -1) then
 sum = sum + x
 count = count + 1
 end if
if(x > sum .AND. x /= -1) then
 write(*,*) “The largest value inputed is:”, x
 end if
 end do
end program largest

Fortran для нахождения площади круга

! Programmer: Roberto Carlos Baldizon Diaz 
! Purpose: This program Inputs/Outputs the Area of a Circle
program Circle
 implicit none
 ! Data Dictionary
 real, parameter :: PI = 3.1415926 
 ! ratio of circumference to diameter of a circle
 ! Data Dictionary: Variables
 real radius ! radius of a circle, any linear units
 real area ! area of same circle, square units
 real circum ! circumference of same circle, same linear units
 ! Welcome and Input
 write(*,’(a)’) “This program computes the area and circumference of a circle.”
 write(*,’(a,$)’) “What is the radius of the circle?”
 read *, radius
 ! Process
 area = PI*radius**2
 circum = 2*PI*radius
 ! Output
 write(*,*), “”
 write(*,’(a, f6.3, a)’) “Area: “, area, “ sq. units”
 write(*,’(a, f6.3, a)’) “Circumference: “, circum, “ units”
end program Circle

Fortran для сортировки наборов данных

! Programmer: Roberto Carlos Baldizon Diaz
! Description: This program will sort a list of integers in 
!  ascending order using a selection sort method.
integer function MinIndexValue(array, start_index, end_index)
 ! PRE: the array(start_index) to array(end_index) is initialized
 ! start_index and end_index are initialized
 ! start_index < end_index
 ! POST: FCTVAL == index of the smallest element in the array
 ! start_index must be less than or equal to FCTVAL
 ! end_index must be greater than or equal to FCTVAL
implicit none
integer, dimension(end_index) :: array ! input array
 integer :: start_index ! start index value of array
 integer :: end_index ! logical size of array
 ! method variables
 integer :: i ! LCV
 integer :: min_index_value ! index value where the minimum is 
 ! found
min_index_value = start_index ! assign min as first value
do i = start_index + 1, end_index, 1 ! check all values in array
 if(array(i) < array(min_index_value))then ! if new min is found change index 
 ! value of min
 min_index_value = i
 end if
 end do
MinIndexValue = min_index_value
end function MinIndexValue
subroutine Swap(array, size, a, b)
 ! PRE: a and b both have integer values
 ! POST: a and b have switched values
implicit none
integer, dimension(size), intent(inout) :: array
 integer, intent(in) :: size
 integer, intent(in) :: a ! first value
 integer, intent(in) :: b ! second value
! method variables
 integer :: temp ! value holder for a
if(a /= b) then
 temp = array(a) ! hold the value of a
 array(a) = array(b) ! give value of b
 array(b) = temp ! give value of original a
 end if
end subroutine Swap
subroutine SelectionSort(array, size)
 ! PRE: the array needs to have all integer values
 ! the size needs to be an integer value
 ! POST: the array will be sorted in ascending order
implicit none
integer, dimension(size), intent(inout) :: array
 integer, intent(in) :: size
! declare function used
 integer, external :: MinIndexValue
! method variables
 integer :: min_index_value
 integer :: i ! LCV
do i = 1, size, 1
 min_index_value = MinIndexValue(array, i, size)
 call Swap(array, size, i, min_index_value)
end do
end subroutine SelectionSort
! Test Drive
 program Sort_ascending
implicit none
 integer, parameter :: MAX_SIZE = 30 ! maximum size of the list
 integer :: log_size ! logical size of the list
 integer, dimension(MAX_SIZE) :: list_original ! original list
 integer, dimension(MAX_SIZE) :: list_sorted ! sorted list
integer :: i ! LCV
list_original(1) = 7
 list_original(2) = 8
 list_original(3) = 8
 list_original(4) = 0
 list_original(5) = 0
 list_original(6) = -1
 list_original(7) = -1
 list_original(8) = -50
 list_original(9) = 100
log_size = 9
 do i = 1, log_size, 1 ! create list_sorted from 
 list_sorted(i) = list_original(i) ! list_original
 end do
call SelectionSort(list_sorted, log_size)
 write(*,*) “” ! white space
 write(*,’(a)’) “ Number Original Sorted” ! column headers
 do i = 1, log_size, 1 ! 
 write(*,’(3i10)’) i, list_original(i), list_sorted(i)
 end do
end program Sort_ascending

Фортран для поиска значений ASCII

! Programmer: Roberto Carlos Baldizon Diaz
! Character to ASCII Converter Program
program ascii
 character inputChar ! input character
 integer asciiVal ! ASCII code for input character
 write(*,’(a, $)’), “Type a character: “; ! prompt for input character
 read *, inputChar
 asciiVal = iachar(inputChar) ! get its ASCII code
 write(*,’(a,i3)’), “ASCII code: “, asciiVal ! print out ASCII code
end program ascii

Fortran для расчета стандартного отклонения набора данных

! Programmer: Roberto Carlos Baldizon Diaz
! Program: sdec
! Description: This program computes standard diviation
real function mean(size,sum) ! Function to compute mean
 ! PRE: All vals are initializedl. size>=0 & mean>=0.
 ! POST: FCTVAL= Mean of the values
implicit none
 integer, intent(in) :: size ! Size of sample
 real, intent(in) :: sum ! Sum of sample
 mean = (sum/real(size)) ! Compute mean
 end function mean
real function standarddev(newx,mean,size) ! Function to compute standard deviation
 ! PRE: All values are initialized. mean and size >=0.
 ! POST: FCTVAL= Standard deviation of values
 implicit none
 real, intent(in) :: newx ! Value of x(i)
 real, intent(in) :: mean ! Computed mean
 integer, intent(in) :: size ! Size of sample
standarddev = sqrt(((newx-mean)**2)/(size-1.0)) ! Compute Standard Deviation
 end function standarddev
subroutine read(filename,size,sum,newx) ! Read file
 ! PRE: Filename must be inputed in main program.
 ! File must be correctly formatted.
 ! POST: Sum and size of values read sent to mainprogram
 implicit none
character(15), intent(in) :: filename ! File to be read
 integer, intent(out) :: size ! Size of sample
 real, intent(out) :: sum ! Sum of values
 real, intent(out) :: newx ! Current x(i)
 real :: ssum ! Variable for sum
 real :: temp ! Temporal value 
 integer :: count ! Count of values
 integer :: i ! LCV
 integer :: input_status ! Value of IOSTAT 0 when opened
 ! negative when at end of document
 ! positive for value not found or not read
open(unit=1, file=filename, form=’formatted’, ! read file
 + action=’read’, status=’old’, IOSTAT=input_status)
 count =0 ! initiate count
 do ! run loop
 read(1,*,IOSTAT=input_status) temp ! read values
 if(input_status==0) then ! only do process when values are being read
 count = (i-count) +1 ! Keep count 
 ssum= ssum + temp
 sum = ssum ! Value for sum
 newx = temp ! Value for x(i)
 end if
if(input_status/=0) exit ! Exit when at end of document
 end do
 close(unit=1) ! Close unit
 end subroutine read
program sdec
 implicit none 
 character(15), parameter :: FILENAME = ‘values.txt’ ! File to read
 real :: mean ! Variable for computed mean 
 real :: standarddev ! Variable for computed standard deviation
 real :: sum ! Parameter Sum
 real :: newx ! Parameter for x(i)
 integer :: size ! Parameter for size
 call read(FILENAME,size,sum,newx) ! Subroutine
write(*,*) “The mean is:”, mean ! Print mean
 write(*,*) “The Standard Deviation is:”, standarddev ! Print standard deviation
end program sdec

Fortran для поиска максимального значения массива значений

! Programmer: Roberto Carlos Baldizon Diaz
! Section: 002
! Description: this function finds the maximun value of an array
 real funtion Maximun(x, size)
 ! PRE: Size >0.
 ! POST: FCTVAL= Maximun value of Array 
 implicit none
integer intent(in) :: size ! Size of Array
 real, dimension(size), intent(in) :: x ! Values of Arrays 
 integer :: i ! LCV
 real :: Max ! Maxiumn value of array
Max = i(1) ! Initiate Max
 do i=2,size,1 ! Run loop
 if(x(i) >Max) then 
 Max = x(i) ! Assign new Max
 end if 
 end do
 end function Maximun

Fortran для нахождения средневзвешенной оценки

! Programmer: Roberto Carlos Baldizon Diaz
! Program: grade
! Description: This program computes the weighted average grade that user inputs
program grade
 implicit none
real :: inclass ! percentage grade user had in in-class assessments
logical :: isGradeValid 
! legitimate: true when value entered is positive and in percentage 
real :: quiz ! percentage grade user had in quiz
real :: progexam1 
! percentage grade user had in first programming exam
real :: writexam1 ! percentage grade user had in first written exam
real :: progexam2 
! percentage grade user had in second programming exam
real :: writexam2 ! percentage grade user had in second written exam
real :: finalproject ! percentage grade user had in final project
real :: finalexam ! percentage grade user had in final exam
real :: classes ! amount of classes where attendance has been taken
real :: attendance ! classes attended by user
real :: percentattend ! percent of classes attended
logical:: isAttendValid 
! legitimate: true when attendaqnce is positive and in percentage
real :: totalgrade ! average of user’s grades
character :: lettergrade 
! Variable used to represent letter grade obtained (A,B,C,D,F)
 write(*,’(a,$)’) “Enter percentage grade of In-Class Assesments:”
 read *, inclass
 isGradeValid = .TRUE.
 if(inclass < 0 .OR. inclass > 100) then ! Error Message
 write (*,*) “Grade must be postitive and in percentage:”
 isGradeValid = .FALSE.
 end if
 write(*,’(a,$)’) “Enter percentage grade of Intro-Quiz:”
 read *, quiz
 isGradeValid = .TRUE.
 if(quiz < 0 .OR. quiz > 100) then ! Error Message
 write (*,*) “Grade must be postitive and in percentage:”
 isGradeValid = .FALSE.
 end if
 write(*,’(a,$)’) “Enter percentage grade of Programming Exam 1:”
 read *, progexam1
 isGradeValid = .TRUE.
 if(progexam1 < 0 .OR. progexam1 > 100) then ! Error Message
 write (*,*) “Grade must be postitive and in percentage:”
 isGradeValid = .FALSE.
 end if
 write(*,’(a,$)’) “Enter percentage grade of Written Exam 1:”
 read *, writexam1
 isGradeValid = .TRUE.
 if(writexam1 < 0 .OR. writexam1 > 100) then ! Error Message
 write (*,*) “Grade must be postitive and in percentage:”
 isGradeValid = .FALSE.
 end if
 write(*,’(a,$)’) “Enter percentage grade of Programming Exam 2:”
 read *, progexam2
 isGradeValid = .TRUE.
 if(progexam2 < 0 .OR. progexam2 > 100) then ! Error Message
 write (*,*) “Grade must be postitive and in percentage:”
 isGradeValid = .FALSE.
 end if
 write(*,’(a,$)’) “Enter percentage grade of Written Exam 2:”
 read *, writexam2
 isGradeValid = .TRUE.
 if(writexam2 < 0 .OR. writexam2 > 100) then ! Error Message
 write (*,*) “Grade must be postitive and in percentage:”
 isGradeValid = .FALSE.
 end if
 write(*,’(a,$)’) “Enter percentage grade of Final Project:”
 read *, finalproject
 isGradeValid = .TRUE.
 if(finalproject < 0 .OR. finalproject > 100) then ! Error Message
 write (*,*) “Grade must be postitive and in percentage:”
 isGradeValid = .FALSE.
 end if
 write(*,’(a,$)’) “Enter percentage grade of Final Exam:”
 read *, finalexam
 isGradeValid = .TRUE.
 if(finalexam < 0 .OR. finalexam > 100) then ! Error Message
 write (*,*) “Grade must be postitive and in percentage:”
 isGradeValid = .FALSE.
 end if
 write(*,’(a,$)’) “Enter amount of times attendance was taken:”
 read *, classes
 isAttendValid = .TRUE.
 if(classes < 0) then ! Error Message
 write (*,*) “Number must be positive:”
 isAttendValid = .FALSE.
 end if
 write(*,’(a,$)’) “Enter amount of classes attended:”
 read *, attendance
 isAttendValid = .TRUE.
 if(attendance < 0) then ! Error Message
 write (*,*) “Number must be positive:”
 isAttendValid = .FALSE.
 end if
 isAttendValid = .TRUE.
 if(attendance > classes) then ! Error Message
 write (*,*) “Percent attendance can not exceed 100”
 isAttendValid = .FALSE.
 end if
 if(isGradeValid) then 
! Only Compute when grade inputed was legitimate
 totalgrade = (inclass*.1)+(quiz*.04)+
 + (progexam1*.15)+(writexam1*.13)
 + +(progexam2*.15)+(writexam2*.15)
 + +(finalproject*.08)+(finalexam*.2)
 end if
 if(isGradeValid) then 
! Only Compute when input was legitimate
 else if(totalgrade >= 90 .AND. percentattend >= 90) then 
! Grade A
 lettergrade = “A”
 else if(totalgrade >= 80 .AND. percentattend >= 80) then 
! Grade B
 lettergrade = “B”
 else if(totalgrade >= 70 .AND. percentattend >= 70) then 
! Grade C
 lettergrade = “C”
 else if(totalgrade >= 60 .AND. percentattend >= 60) then 
! Grade D
 lettergrade = “D”
! Grade F
 lettergrade = “F”
 end if
if(isAttendValid) then 
! Only Compute when attendance inputed was legitimate
 percentattend = (attendance/classes)*100
 end if
if(isAttendValid) then 
 else if(totalgrade >= 90 .AND. percentattend >= 90) then 
! Grade A Attendance
 isAttendValid = .FALSE.
 else if(totalgrade >= 80 .AND. percentattend >= 80) then 
! Grade B Attendance
 isAttendValid = .FALSE.
 else if(totalgrade >= 70 .AND. percentattend >= 70) then 
! Grade C Attendance
 isAttendValid = .FALSE.
 else if(totalgrade >= 60 .AND. percentattend >= 60) then 
! Grade D Attendance
 isAttendValid = .FALSE.
 else ! Grade F Attendance
 isAttendValid = .FALSE.
 end if
 if(isAttendValid = .FALSE.) then
 write(*,*) “Attendance Problem”
 end if
write(*,*) “Letter Grade”, lettergrade 
 write(*,*) “Weighted Grade Average:”, totalgrade
write(*,*) “Percent Attendance:”, percentattend
end program grade

Фортран для вычислений для химических расчетов

! Programmer: Roberto Carlos Baldizon Diaz
! This program computes the rate constant of a reaction
program constantrate
 implicit none
 real, parameter :: e = 2.71828 ! exponential of natural log 
 real, parameter :: R = 8.314 ! rate constant for Arrehmius Equation
 ! Data Dictionay: Variables
 real concentration ! concentration of the reactants in reaction 
 real ! energy needed to kick-start the reaction
 real temperature ! temperature of the reaction
 real rate ! rate constant of a first order Reaction
! Welcome and Input
 write(*,’(a)’) “This program computes the rate constant for a first order reaction.”
 write(*,’(a,$)’) “What is the concentration of the reaction in mol.”
 read *, concentration
 write(*,’(a,$)’) “What is the activation energy of the reaction in J.”
 read *,
 write(*,’(a,$)’) “What is the temperature of the reaction in K.”
 read *, temperature
! Process
 rate = concentration*e**((*temperature))
 ! Output 
 write(*,*), “”
 write(*,’(a, f6.3, a)’) “Rate Constant: “, “”, rate, “1/M 1/s”
 end program constantrate

Fortran для чтения и вычисления данных из файлов

! Programmer: Roberto Carlos Baldizon Diaz
! Program Name: filereadcompute
! Description: This program read and computes data from a file
program filereadcompute
 implicit none
 real, parameter :: SIZE = 1000 ! Maximum amount of values in Array
 real, parameter :: HORIZONTAL = 4 ! Horizontal Shift for x values
 real, parameter :: VERTICAL = 4 ! Vertical Shift for y values
 real, parameter :: PI = 3.14159265 
 ! The ratio of any circle’s circumference 
 ! to its Diameter
 integer, parameter :: OUTPUT_MODE = 1 
 ! Constant for the type of Output:
 !  1 for Cartesian, 
 !  2 for polar in degrees,
 !  3 for polar in radian
 character(15), parameter :: INPUTFILE = ‘data.txt’ 
 ! Name of file to read
 character(15), parameter :: OUTPUTFILE = ‘newpoints.txt’ 
 ! Name of file to write on
 integer :: i ! LCV 
 integer :: input_status ! Status of File, 0 when open
 ! Negative at end of file 
 !  and positive if not found
 integer :: count ! Count of points read in file
 real, dimension(SIZE) :: x ! Array for read x values
 real, dimension(SIZE) :: y ! Array for read y values
 real, dimension(SIZE) :: r 
 ! Array for Magnitude of Vector 
 !  for polar coordinates
 real, dimension(SIZE) :: q 
 ! Array for computed Angles in Degrees
 !  for polar coordinates
 real, dimension(SIZE) :: qradian 
 ! Angles converted from Degrees to radians
 real, dimension(SIZE) :: newx ! X values after translation
 real, dimension(SIZE) :: newy ! Y values after translation
 real :: tempx ! Temporary variable to read x values
 real :: tempy 
open(unit=1, file=INPUTFILE, ! Open input file 
 + form=’formatted’, action=’read’,
 + status=’old’, IOSTAT=input_status)
if(input_status==0) then ! Only do when 
 ! file was opened 
 count = 0 ! Initiate count
do ! Run reading loop
 read(1,*, IOSTAT=input_status) tempx, tempy ! Read data 
 ! and store in arrays
if(input_status==0)then ! Only Increase Count 
 ! when file was opened
 count = count + 1 ! Keep count
 x(count) = tempx ! Store X in Array
 y(count) = tempy ! Store Y in Array
 end if
if(input_status<0)exit ! Exit at end of file
 end do
 else if(input_status>0) then ! Error Handling for 
 ! file not found 
 write(*,*) “File not found!” ! Error Message
 end if 
 close(unit=1) ! Close input file
 i = 0 ! Initiate LCV 
 if(count>0) then ! Do when input phase 
 ! was successful
 do i = 1, count, 1 ! Run loop from 1 to
 ! count of read loop
 newx(i) = x(i) + HORIZONTAL ! Compute Horizontal 
 ! Translation
 newy(i) = y(i) + VERTICAL ! Compute Vertical 
 ! Translation
 r(i)=sqrt(newx(i)**2 + newy(i)**2) ! Compute magnitude 
 q(i)=atan(newy(i)/newx(i)) ! Compute angles
 qradian(i) = q(i)*PI/180 ! Angles to radians
 end do
 end if
 open(unit=2, file=OUTPUTFILE, ! Open output file
 + form=’formatted’, action=’write’,
 + status=’new’)
do i = 1, count, 1 ! Run loop from 1 to
 ! count of read loop
 case(1) ! Selection of Cartesian 
 ! Coordinates
 write(2,’(3a,2f7.3)’) “(“, newx(i), “,”, newy(i), “)” 
 ! Print Cartesian 
 !  Coordinates to File 
 ! Selection of Polar 
 !  Coordinates
 !  with angles in Degrees
 write(2,’(3a,2f7.3)’) “(“, r(i), “,”, q(i), “)” 
 ! Print Polar Coordinates 
 !  with angles in Degrees
 !  to File 
 case(3) then 
 ! Selection of Polar 
 !  Coordinates
 !  with angles in radians
 write(2,’(3a,2f7.3)’) “(“, r(i), “,”, qradian(i), “)” 
 ! Print Polar Coordinates
 !  with angles in radians 
 !  to File
 end select
end do
write(*,*) “Translation by (“, tempx, 
 ! Write screen message
 !  indicating data used
 + tempy, “) performed.”, “”
write(*,*) “Output written to “, OUTPUTFILE 
 ! Write screen message 
 !  indicating new file
 ! Close output file
 end program filereadcompute

Фортран для хранения дней рождения

!Programmer: Roberto Carlos Blaldizon Diaz
!Purpose: Store your Birthday
program birthday
 implicit none
 integer :: month ! month the user was born in #
 integer :: day ! day the user was born in #
 integer :: year ! year the user was born in #
 write(*,’(a)’) “Enter the month you were born (as a #):”
 read *, month
 write(*,’(a)’) “Enter the day of the month you were born:”
 read *, day
 write(*,’(a)’) “Enter the year you were born (4 digits):”
 read *, year 
 write(*,’(a)’) “The birthday you entered:”
 write(*, *) month, “/”, day, “/”, year
end program birthday

Fortran для расчета формул роста населения

! Programmer: Roberto Carlos Baldizon Diaz
! Description:  Codeproduces a .csv file and computes population growth
program population
implicit none
real, parameter :: INITIAL = 3.9                  ! Initial population in millions
real, parameter :: GROWTH = 0.0298                ! Constant for population growth per year
real :: population                                ! Computes population growth in millions
real, dimension(71) :: index                      ! Index to hold population values
integer, parameter :: STARTYR = 1790              ! Initial year evaluated in function
integer, parameter :: ENDYR = 1860                ! Final year evaluated in function
integer :: time                                   ! Hold the time elapsed in array
integer :: i                                      ! LCV
open(unit=1, file='population4.csv',              ! Create new .csv file
+       form='formatted', action='write',
+       status='new')
do i = STARTYR, ENDYR, 1                          ! Run Loop
time = (i-STARTYR) + 1                         ! Time elapsed since initial
population = INITIAL*(exp(GROWTH*              ! Compute Population Growth
+                  (i-STARTYR)))
time = (i-STARTYR) + 1                         ! Hold time elapsed for array
index(time) = population                       ! Store in Array
end do                                            ! End Loop
do i = STARTYR, ENDYR, 1                          ! Run Loop
time = (i-STARTYR) + 1                         ! Time in array for population
write(1,'(i4,a,4x, f9.3)')                     ! Write population Growth on file
+           i , "," ,
+           index(time)
end do
close(unit=1)                                     ! Close .csv file
end program population

Как вы прочитали все представленные примеры, Fortran — отличный язык для практики и изучения кода, он также продолжает оставаться полезным инструментом для инженеров и ученых. Таким образом, используйте его, и всякий раз, когда вам нужен код для ссылки, проверьте эту статью, чтобы сохранить этот язык!

Пожалуйста, обращайтесь с любыми отзывами или сомнениями по поводу этой статьи, спасибо.

~ Роберто Балдизон