Основной эскиз

from windowsketch import *
def setup():
    global window_1
    window_1 = Window(10,10,12,30, color(255,255,255))
    print window_1.windowWidth
    print window_1.area()
    global buildingWindows
    buildingWindows = []
    for w in xrange(5, 150, 5): #start of range, end of range, step
        window = Window(w*10, 100,w,90,color(255,255,255))
def draw():
    background(216, 201, 84)
    # window_1.draw()
    for window in buildingWindows:

В классе окна:

class Window(object):
    def __init__(self, x, y, windowWidth, windowHeight, glazing):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.windowWidth = windowWidth
        self.windowHeight = windowHeight
        self.glazing = glazing
    def area(self):
        return self.windowWidth * self.windowHeight
    def draw(self):
        # fill(self.glazing)
        # rect(10, 10, 10 + self.windowWidth, 10 + self.windowHeight)
        text("Hide and Seek in a woods", 20, 40)
        fill(0, 102, 153)
        if self.x < mouseX and mouseX < self.x + self.windowWidth:
            #drawing a body
            fill(226, 96, 63)
            rect(self.x+17, self.y+30, 8, 40)
            line(self.x+17, self.y+20, self.x+17, self.y+90)
            line(self.x+25, self.y+20, self.x+25, self.y+90)
            line(self.x+19, self.y+20, self.x+13, self.y+72)
            line(self.x+22, self.y+20, self.x+28, self.y+72)
            #drawing the face
            fill(226, 96, 63)
            ellipse(self.x + 20,self.y + 30,20,20)
            stroke(255, 255, 255)
            fill(255, 0, 0)
            ellipse(self.x + 14,self.y + 29,5,5)
            ellipse(self.x + 24,self.y + 29,5,5)
            fill(37, 109, 33)
        ellipse(self.x, self.y, 20 + self.windowWidth, self.windowHeight)
        fill(198, 165, 57) 
        rect(self.x, self.y, self.windowWidth/3-5, self.windowHeight)