я смотрю в зеркало, кого я вижу?

если вы пришли на шоу:

какую роль мне взять? исчезает до серого, так что мы сделали большую ошибку? истинные цвета проявятся — просто выставите меня на обозрение.

у меня нет секретов, потому что:

есть версия меня, которую я не знаю, как скрыть. когда ты заставляешь меня светиться своими пальцами на моих бедрах. я у тебя на ладони и моя температура в твоей власти —

- по моему требованию

Кажется, я был здесь раньше, я превратил несколько сердец в камень, и я больше не могу этого скрывать. моя любовь — это кольцо настроения, вверх и вниз эмоции: все эти перепады настроения. ты умеешь читать по прикосновению моей кожи. ничего на моем теле, кроме этого кольца настроения —

ты меняешь меня

please dont try to understand me. you probably would get confused. dont try to call me. i probably wont pick up the phone. dont try to control me. i probably would rebel. dont try to label me. i probably would defy your definitions. dont try to hit me. i probably wont hit back. dont try to help me. i probably dont want your help. dont try to change me. i probably dont want to be changed. dont try to fall in love with me. i probably wont feel the same. dont try to make me laugh. you probably would embarrass yourself. dont mess with my head. i probably would mess with yours. dont try to predict me. i probably would prove you wrong. dont try to insult me. i probably wouldnt believe you. dont try to influence me. i probably would get influenced. dont try to tell me your name if ive met you. i probably would forget it the next day. dont tell me a sad story. i proabably dont want to hear it. dont try to tell me your perception of love. i probably would have my own. dont try to contain me. i probably would break the container. dont try to irritate me. you probably would irritate yourself. dont try to make me cry. you probably would cry yourself out. dont ask me whats wrong. i probably would lie to you. dont try to be me. you probably wouldnt know where to begin. dont think you know me. because you dont.
wanna know the truth?
im not being selfish, i just protect myself. im not intimidated, im just afraid. im not afraid, im just insecure. im not naive, i just wanna see what you know. im not ignorant, i just choose to omit. im not shy, im just self-conscious. im not vain, i just take care of myself. im not hypocritical, i just find it hard to be perfect. im not judgemental,im just opinionated. im not a socialite, i just love to surround myself with culture. im not apathetic, i just dont want to feel. im not indecisive, i just dont want to decide. i not an intellectual, i just love intelligence. im not a liar, im just ashamed of the truth. im not a freak, im just special. im not looking for attention, i just want to be the one who makes a stand. im not a loner, i just want to be alone. im not arrogant, i just have confidence. im not autistic, i just process differently. im not creative, i just used your idea. im not biting your style, i just appreciate what you do. im not impulsive, i just dont want to wait. im not an addict, i just want to escape. im not in denial, i just dont want to believe it. im not awesome, i just wanna be unique. im not loud, i just want to heard. im not random, i just like spontaneity. im not popular, i just love making friends. im not isolating, im just depressed. im not over-sensitive, i just feel too much. im not running away, i just dont know how to deal with it. im not secretive, i just want my privacy. im not funny, i just have my own sense of humour. im not a stalker, i just cant get enough of you. im not independant,i just like to think i am. im not a genius, i just love to learn. im not good in bed, i just know what you want. im not fat, i just love to eat. im not skinny, i just walk alot. im not a child, i just love to play around. im not manipulative,i just know what i want. im not being shallow, i just want the best. im not the best, but i will continue to try. im not an emo, i just love emotion. im not lethargic, i just want to be lazy. im not compulsive, i just want it to be perfect. im not a perfectionist,i just appreciate beauty. im not duplicit, i just have multiple personalities.im not ego-centric, im just ambitious. im not deluded, i just enjoy a fantasy. im not a dreamer, i just have a lot of aspiration. im not your enemy, im just not your friend. im not ignoring you, i just dont know what to say. im not a slut, i just got around. im not athletic, i just cant play sport. im not idealistic, i just want to be at peace. im not a economist, i just want some money. im not a materialist, i just want physical security. im not a chick, i just listen to britney. im not a fag, im just not strait. im not a thinker, i just like my thoughts. im not a secularist, i just appreciate the world. im not religious, im just a pantheist. Im not a geek, i just love computers. im not nocturnal. i just love the night. im not hot, i just dont feel ugly. im not ugly, i just dont feel hot. im not crazy, i just love excitement. im not your mother, i just care too much. im not manic, im just eccentric. im not a hippie, i just want to hug you. im not a dancer, i just want to move my body. im not a singer, i just love the lyrics. im not going to be you, i just want to be me. im not being rude, im just not in the mood. im not a pussy, im just a pacifist. im not angry, im just irritated. im not irrisponsible, i just tend to forget. im not offline, i just deleted you bitch. im not down to earth, i just wanna be real. im not extroverted, i just want to express myself. im not introverted. i just dont know how to share. im not obsessive, i just cant help loving you.
this is me.

Спасибо репозиторию данных за мою сборку #growth на Life fork! ✌

(шутка на github, плохо выполненная, но хороший релиз)