CNTK всегда возвращает значение errorRate равное 0

Я новичок в CNTK, я пытаюсь написать cntk для обучения данных для игры в техасский холдем. Однако независимо от того, как я изменил свой файл конфигурации cntk, я получаю один и тот же результат для всех данных обучения.

Вот мой файл cntk:

            # CNTK Configuration File for creating a slot tagger and an intent tagger.

            command = Train:Output:Test

            makeMode = false ; traceLevel = 0 ; deviceId = -1

            rootDir = "." ; dataDir  = "$rootDir$" ; modelDir = "$rootDir$/Models"

            modelPath = "$modelDir$/slu.lstm"

            # The command to train the LSTM model
            Train = {
                action = "train"
                BrainScriptNetworkBuilder = {
                    featDim = 22   # contextual words are used as features: previous word, current word, next word.
                    hiddenDim = 300
                    maxLayer = 1
                    initScale = 1
                    labelDim = 1

                    # inputs
                    HandPercentage = Input {1}  
                    NoOfPlayersInPlay = Input {1}   
                    HeroPosition = Input {1}    
                    Pot = Input {1} 
                    PlayerPosition0 = Input {1} 
                    PlayerBettingSize0 = Input {1}
                    PlayerChips0 = Input {1}    
                    PlayerPosition1 = Input {1} 
                    PlayerBettingSize1 = Input {1}
                    PlayerChips1 = Input {1}
                    PlayerPosition2 = Input {1} 
                    PlayerBettingSize2 = Input {1}
                    PlayerChips2 = Input {1}    
                    PlayerPosition3 = Input {1} 
                    PlayerBettingSize3 = Input {1}  
                    PlayerChips3 = Input {1}
                    PlayerPosition4 = Input {1} 
                    PlayerBettingSize4 = Input {1}  
                    PlayerChips4 = Input {1}    
                    PlayerPosition5 = Input {1} 
                    PlayerBettingSize5 = Input {1}  
                    PlayerChips5 = Input {1}

                    features = RowStack(

                    labels = Input {labelDim}

                    # build the LSTM stack
                    # lstmDims[i:0..maxLayer-1] = hiddenDim
                    # NoAuxInputHook (input, lstmState) = BS.Constants.None
                    # lstmStack = BS.RNNs.RecurrentLSTMPStack (lstmDims, 
                    #     cellDims=lstmDims,
                    #     features, 
                    #     inputDim=featDim,
                    #     previousHook=BS.RNNs.PreviousHC,
                    #     augmentInputHook=BS.RNNs.NoAuxInputHook, 
                    #     augmentInputDim=0,
                    #     enableSelfStabilization=false)
                    # lstmOutputLayer = Length (lstmStack)-1
                    # LSTMoutput = lstmStack[lstmOutputLayer].h
                    # W = Parameter(labelDim, hiddenDim, init = "uniform", initValueScale=initScale)
                    # b = Parameter(labelDim, 1, init = "fixedValue", value=0)
                    # outputs = W * LSTMoutput + b

                    model = Sequential (
                        RecurrentLSTMLayer {hiddenDim, goBackwards=false} :  # LSTM
                        DenseLayer {labelDim}   # output layer

                    # model application
                    outputs = model (features)

                    cr = CrossEntropyWithSoftmax(labels, outputs)
                    errs = ClassificationError(labels, outputs)

                    featureNodes = (HandPercentage: 

                    labelNodes  = (labels)
                    criterionNodes = (cr)
                    evaluationNodes = (errs)
                    outputNodes = (outputs)

                SGD = {
                    maxEpochs = 10 ; epochSize = 5000

                    minibatchSize = 70

                    learningRatesPerSample = 1
                    gradUpdateType = "fsAdaGrad"

                reader = {
                    readerType = "CNTKTextFormatReader"
                    file = "preflopData.txt"
                    randomize = true

                    input = [

                        #|HandPercentage 0.5958 
                        HandPercentage = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|NoOfPlayersInPlay 2   
                        NoOfPlayersInPlay = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|HeroPosition 5    
                        HeroPosition = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|Pot 1.0000
                        Pot = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerPosition0 0 
                        PlayerPosition0 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerBettingSize0 0.00   
                        PlayerBettingSize0 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerChips0 100.00   
                        PlayerChips0 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerPosition1 1 
                        PlayerPosition1 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerBettingSize1 0.00   
                        PlayerBettingSize1 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerChips1 100.00
                        PlayerChips1 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerPosition2 2 
                        PlayerPosition2 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerBettingSize2 0.00   
                        PlayerBettingSize2 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerChips2 100.00
                        PlayerChips2 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerPosition3 3 
                        PlayerPosition3 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerBettingSize3 0.00   
                        PlayerBettingSize3 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerChips3 100.00
                        PlayerChips3 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerPosition4 4 
                        PlayerPosition4 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerBettingSize4 1.00   
                        PlayerBettingSize4 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerChips4 99.00
                        PlayerChips4 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerPosition5 5 
                        PlayerPosition5 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerBettingSize5 0.00   
                        PlayerBettingSize5 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerChips5 100.00
                        PlayerChips5 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|Action 1
                        labels = [
                            alias = "Action"
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

            # Test the model's accuracy (as an error count)
            Test = {
                action = "test"

                traceLevel = 1
                epochSize = 0

                defaultHiddenActivity = 0.1
                BrainScriptNetworkBuilder = [
                    labels = Input(1, tag = "label")
                    modelAsTrained = BS.Network.Load ("$modelPath$")
                    final = modelAsTrained.outputs
                    errorRate = ClassificationError(labels, final, tag='evaluation')

                evalNodeNames  = errorRate
                reader = {
                    readerType = "CNTKTextFormatReader"
                    file = "preflopData.txt"
                    randomize = false
                    input = [

                        #|HandPercentage 0.5958 
                        HandPercentage = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|NoOfPlayersInPlay 2   
                        NoOfPlayersInPlay = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|HeroPosition 5    
                        HeroPosition = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|Pot 1.0000
                        Pot = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerPosition0 0 
                        PlayerPosition0 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerBettingSize0 0.00   
                        PlayerBettingSize0 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerChips0 100.00   
                        PlayerChips0 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerPosition1 1 
                        PlayerPosition1 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerBettingSize1 0.00   
                        PlayerBettingSize1 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerChips1 100.00
                        PlayerChips1 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerPosition2 2 
                        PlayerPosition2 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerBettingSize2 0.00   
                        PlayerBettingSize2 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerChips2 100.00
                        PlayerChips2 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerPosition3 3 
                        PlayerPosition3 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerBettingSize3 0.00   
                        PlayerBettingSize3 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerChips3 100.00
                        PlayerChips3 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerPosition4 4 
                        PlayerPosition4 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerBettingSize4 1.00   
                        PlayerBettingSize4 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerChips4 99.00
                        PlayerChips4 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerPosition5 5 
                        PlayerPosition5 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerBettingSize5 0.00   
                        PlayerBettingSize5 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerChips5 100.00
                        PlayerChips5 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|Action 1
                        labels = [
                            alias = "Action"
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

            # output the results
            Output = [
                action = "write"

                traceLevel = 1
                epochSize = 0

                defaultHiddenActivity = 0.1
                BrainScriptNetworkBuilder = [
                    modelAsTrained = BS.Network.Load ("$modelPath$")
                    final = modelAsTrained.outputs

                outputNodeNames = final
                reader = [
                    readerType = "CNTKTextFormatReader"
                    file = "preflopData.txt"
                    randomize = false
                    input = [

                        #|HandPercentage 0.5958 
                        HandPercentage = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|NoOfPlayersInPlay 2   
                        NoOfPlayersInPlay = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|HeroPosition 5    
                        HeroPosition = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|Pot 1.0000
                        Pot = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerPosition0 0 
                        PlayerPosition0 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerBettingSize0 0.00   
                        PlayerBettingSize0 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerChips0 100.00   
                        PlayerChips0 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerPosition1 1 
                        PlayerPosition1 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerBettingSize1 0.00   
                        PlayerBettingSize1 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerChips1 100.00
                        PlayerChips1 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerPosition2 2 
                        PlayerPosition2 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerBettingSize2 0.00   
                        PlayerBettingSize2 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerChips2 100.00
                        PlayerChips2 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerPosition3 3 
                        PlayerPosition3 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerBettingSize3 0.00   
                        PlayerBettingSize3 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerChips3 100.00
                        PlayerChips3 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerPosition4 4 
                        PlayerPosition4 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerBettingSize4 1.00   
                        PlayerBettingSize4 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerChips4 99.00
                        PlayerChips4 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerPosition5 5 
                        PlayerPosition5 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerBettingSize5 0.00   
                        PlayerBettingSize5 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|PlayerChips5 100.00
                        PlayerChips5 = [
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"

                        #|Action 1
                        labels = [
                            alias = "Action"
                            dim = 1
                            format = "dense"
                outputPath = "Preflop_Result.txt"  # dump the output to this text file

И данные в тренировочном файле выглядят следующим образом:

            |HandPercentage 0.5958  |NoOfPlayersInPlay 2    |HeroPosition 5 |Pot 1.00   |PlayerPosition0 0  |PlayerBettingSize0 0.00    |PlayerChips0 100.00    |PlayerPosition1 1  |PlayerBettingSize1 0.00    |PlayerChips1 100.00    |PlayerPosition2 2  |PlayerBettingSize2 0.00    |PlayerChips2 100.00    |PlayerPosition3 3  |PlayerBettingSize3 0.00    |PlayerChips3 100.00    |PlayerPosition4 4  |PlayerBettingSize4 1.00    |PlayerChips4 99.00 |PlayerPosition5 5  |PlayerBettingSize5 0.00    |PlayerChips5 100.00    |Action 2
            |HandPercentage 0.5958  |NoOfPlayersInPlay 2    |HeroPosition 5 |Pot 2.00   |PlayerPosition0 0  |PlayerBettingSize0 0.00    |PlayerChips0 100.00    |PlayerPosition1 1  |PlayerBettingSize1 0.00    |PlayerChips1 100.00    |PlayerPosition2 2  |PlayerBettingSize2 0.00    |PlayerChips2 100.00    |PlayerPosition3 3  |PlayerBettingSize3 0.00    |PlayerChips3 100.00    |PlayerPosition4 4  |PlayerBettingSize4 2.00    |PlayerChips4 98.00 |PlayerPosition5 5  |PlayerBettingSize5 0.00    |PlayerChips5 100.00    |Action 1
            |HandPercentage 0.5958  |NoOfPlayersInPlay 2    |HeroPosition 5 |Pot 3.00   |PlayerPosition0 0  |PlayerBettingSize0 0.00    |PlayerChips0 100.00    |PlayerPosition1 1  |PlayerBettingSize1 0.00    |PlayerChips1 100.00    |PlayerPosition2 2  |PlayerBettingSize2 0.00    |PlayerChips2 100.00    |PlayerPosition3 3  |PlayerBettingSize3 0.00    |PlayerChips3 100.00    |PlayerPosition4 4  |PlayerBettingSize4 3.00    |PlayerChips4 97.00 |PlayerPosition5 5  |PlayerBettingSize5 0.00    |PlayerChips5 100.00    |Action 1
            |HandPercentage 0.5958  |NoOfPlayersInPlay 2    |HeroPosition 5 |Pot 4.00   |PlayerPosition0 0  |PlayerBettingSize0 0.00    |PlayerChips0 100.00    |PlayerPosition1 1  |PlayerBettingSize1 0.00    |PlayerChips1 100.00    |PlayerPosition2 2  |PlayerBettingSize2 0.00    |PlayerChips2 100.00    |PlayerPosition3 3  |PlayerBettingSize3 0.00    |PlayerChips3 100.00    |PlayerPosition4 4  |PlayerBettingSize4 4.00    |PlayerChips4 96.00 |PlayerPosition5 5  |PlayerBettingSize5 0.00    |PlayerChips5 100.00    |Action 1
            |HandPercentage 0.5958  |NoOfPlayersInPlay 2    |HeroPosition 5 |Pot 5.00   |PlayerPosition0 0  |PlayerBettingSize0 0.00    |PlayerChips0 100.00    |PlayerPosition1 1  |PlayerBettingSize1 0.00    |PlayerChips1 100.00    |PlayerPosition2 2  |PlayerBettingSize2 0.00    |PlayerChips2 100.00    |PlayerPosition3 3  |PlayerBettingSize3 0.00    |PlayerChips3 100.00    |PlayerPosition4 4  |PlayerBettingSize4 5.00    |PlayerChips4 95.00 |PlayerPosition5 5  |PlayerBettingSize5 0.00    |PlayerChips5 100.00    |Action 1
            |HandPercentage 0.5958  |NoOfPlayersInPlay 2    |HeroPosition 5 |Pot 6.00   |PlayerPosition0 0  |PlayerBettingSize0 0.00    |PlayerChips0 100.00    |PlayerPosition1 1  |PlayerBettingSize1 0.00    |PlayerChips1 100.00    |PlayerPosition2 2  |PlayerBettingSize2 0.00    |PlayerChips2 100.00    |PlayerPosition3 3  |PlayerBettingSize3 0.00    |PlayerChips3 100.00    |PlayerPosition4 4  |PlayerBettingSize4 6.00    |PlayerChips4 94.00 |PlayerPosition5 5  |PlayerBettingSize5 0.00    |PlayerChips5 100.00    |Action 1
            |HandPercentage 0.5958  |NoOfPlayersInPlay 2    |HeroPosition 5 |Pot 7.00   |PlayerPosition0 0  |PlayerBettingSize0 0.00    |PlayerChips0 100.00    |PlayerPosition1 1  |PlayerBettingSize1 0.00    |PlayerChips1 100.00    |PlayerPosition2 2  |PlayerBettingSize2 0.00    |PlayerChips2 100.00    |PlayerPosition3 3  |PlayerBettingSize3 0.00    |PlayerChips3 100.00    |PlayerPosition4 4  |PlayerBettingSize4 7.00    |PlayerChips4 93.00 |PlayerPosition5 5  |PlayerBettingSize5 0.00    |PlayerChips5 100.00    |Action 1
            |HandPercentage 0.5958  |NoOfPlayersInPlay 2    |HeroPosition 5 |Pot 8.00   |PlayerPosition0 0  |PlayerBettingSize0 0.00    |PlayerChips0 100.00    |PlayerPosition1 1  |PlayerBettingSize1 0.00    |PlayerChips1 100.00    |PlayerPosition2 2  |PlayerBettingSize2 0.00    |PlayerChips2 100.00    |PlayerPosition3 3  |PlayerBettingSize3 0.00    |PlayerChips3 100.00    |PlayerPosition4 4  |PlayerBettingSize4 8.00    |PlayerChips4 92.00 |PlayerPosition5 5  |PlayerBettingSize5 0.00    |PlayerChips5 100.00    |Action 1
            |HandPercentage 0.5958  |NoOfPlayersInPlay 2    |HeroPosition 5 |Pot 9.00   |PlayerPosition0 0  |PlayerBettingSize0 0.00    |PlayerChips0 100.00    |PlayerPosition1 1  |PlayerBettingSize1 0.00    |PlayerChips1 100.00    |PlayerPosition2 2  |PlayerBettingSize2 0.00    |PlayerChips2 100.00    |PlayerPosition3 3  |PlayerBettingSize3 0.00    |PlayerChips3 100.00    |PlayerPosition4 4  |PlayerBettingSize4 9.00    |PlayerChips4 91.00 |PlayerPosition5 5  |PlayerBettingSize5 0.00    |PlayerChips5 100.00    |Action 1
            |HandPercentage 0.5958  |NoOfPlayersInPlay 2    |HeroPosition 5 |Pot 100.00 |PlayerPosition0 0  |PlayerBettingSize0 0.00    |PlayerChips0 100.00    |PlayerPosition1 1  |PlayerBettingSize1 0.00    |PlayerChips1 100.00    |PlayerPosition2 2  |PlayerBettingSize2 0.00    |PlayerChips2 100.00    |PlayerPosition3 3  |PlayerBettingSize3 0.00    |PlayerChips3 100.00    |PlayerPosition4 4  |PlayerBettingSize4 100.00  |PlayerChips4 0.00  |PlayerPosition5 5  |PlayerBettingSize5 0.00    |PlayerChips5 100.00    |Action 1
            |HandPercentage 0.5958  |NoOfPlayersInPlay 2    |HeroPosition 5 |Pot 10.00  |PlayerPosition0 0  |PlayerBettingSize0 0.00    |PlayerChips0 100.00    |PlayerPosition1 1  |PlayerBettingSize1 0.00    |PlayerChips1 100.00    |PlayerPosition2 2  |PlayerBettingSize2 0.00    |PlayerChips2 100.00    |PlayerPosition3 3  |PlayerBettingSize3 0.00    |PlayerChips3 100.00    |PlayerPosition4 4  |PlayerBettingSize4 10.00   |PlayerChips4 90.00 |PlayerPosition5 5  |PlayerBettingSize5 0.00    |PlayerChips5 100.00    |Action 1
            |HandPercentage 0.5958  |NoOfPlayersInPlay 2    |HeroPosition 5 |Pot 15.00  |PlayerPosition0 0  |PlayerBettingSize0 0.00    |PlayerChips0 100.00    |PlayerPosition1 1  |PlayerBettingSize1 0.00    |PlayerChips1 100.00    |PlayerPosition2 2  |PlayerBettingSize2 0.00    |PlayerChips2 100.00    |PlayerPosition3 3  |PlayerBettingSize3 0.00    |PlayerChips3 100.00    |PlayerPosition4 4  |PlayerBettingSize4 15.00   |PlayerChips4 85.00 |PlayerPosition5 5  |PlayerBettingSize5 0.00    |PlayerChips5 100.00    |Action 1
            |HandPercentage 0.5958  |NoOfPlayersInPlay 2    |HeroPosition 5 |Pot 20.00  |PlayerPosition0 0  |PlayerBettingSize0 0.00    |PlayerChips0 100.00    |PlayerPosition1 1  |PlayerBettingSize1 0.00    |PlayerChips1 100.00    |PlayerPosition2 2  |PlayerBettingSize2 0.00    |PlayerChips2 100.00    |PlayerPosition3 3  |PlayerBettingSize3 0.00    |PlayerChips3 100.00    |PlayerPosition4 4  |PlayerBettingSize4 20.00   |PlayerChips4 80.00 |PlayerPosition5 5  |PlayerBettingSize5 0.00    |PlayerChips5 100.00    |Action 1
            |HandPercentage 0.5958  |NoOfPlayersInPlay 2    |HeroPosition 5 |Pot 30.00  |PlayerPosition0 0  |PlayerBettingSize0 0.00    |PlayerChips0 100.00    |PlayerPosition1 1  |PlayerBettingSize1 0.00    |PlayerChips1 100.00    |PlayerPosition2 2  |PlayerBettingSize2 0.00    |PlayerChips2 100.00    |PlayerPosition3 3  |PlayerBettingSize3 0.00    |PlayerChips3 100.00    |PlayerPosition4 4  |PlayerBettingSize4 30.00   |PlayerChips4 70.00 |PlayerPosition5 5  |PlayerBettingSize5 0.00    |PlayerChips5 100.00    |Action 1
            |HandPercentage 0.5958  |NoOfPlayersInPlay 2    |HeroPosition 5 |Pot 40.00  |PlayerPosition0 0  |PlayerBettingSize0 0.00    |PlayerChips0 100.00    |PlayerPosition1 1  |PlayerBettingSize1 0.00    |PlayerChips1 100.00    |PlayerPosition2 2  |PlayerBettingSize2 0.00    |PlayerChips2 100.00    |PlayerPosition3 3  |PlayerBettingSize3 0.00    |PlayerChips3 100.00    |PlayerPosition4 4  |PlayerBettingSize4 40.00   |PlayerChips4 60.00 |PlayerPosition5 5  |PlayerBettingSize5 0.00    |PlayerChips5 100.00    |Action 1

Однако вывод всегда такой, как показано ниже:

            Finished Epoch[ 1 of 10]: [Training] cr = -0.00000000 * 5000; errs = 0.000% * 5000; totalSamplesSeen = 5000; learningRatePerSample = 1; epochTime=0.784258s
            Finished Epoch[ 2 of 10]: [Training] cr = -0.00000000 * 5000; errs = 0.000% * 5000; totalSamplesSeen = 10000; learningRatePerSample = 1; epochTime=0.517457s
            Finished Epoch[ 3 of 10]: [Training] cr = -0.00000000 * 5000; errs = 0.000% * 5000; totalSamplesSeen = 15000; learningRatePerSample = 1; epochTime=0.50032s
            Finished Epoch[ 4 of 10]: [Training] cr = -0.00000000 * 5000; errs = 0.000% * 5000; totalSamplesSeen = 20000; learningRatePerSample = 1; epochTime=0.508821s
            Finished Epoch[ 5 of 10]: [Training] cr = -0.00000000 * 5000; errs = 0.000% * 5000; totalSamplesSeen = 25000; learningRatePerSample = 1; epochTime=0.519995s
            Finished Epoch[ 6 of 10]: [Training] cr = -0.00000000 * 5000; errs = 0.000% * 5000; totalSamplesSeen = 30000; learningRatePerSample = 1; epochTime=0.511545s
            Finished Epoch[ 7 of 10]: [Training] cr = -0.00000000 * 5000; errs = 0.000% * 5000; totalSamplesSeen = 35000; learningRatePerSample = 1; epochTime=0.524342s
            Finished Epoch[ 8 of 10]: [Training] cr = -0.00000000 * 5000; errs = 0.000% * 5000; totalSamplesSeen = 40000; learningRatePerSample = 1; epochTime=0.517396s
            Finished Epoch[ 9 of 10]: [Training] cr = -0.00000000 * 5000; errs = 0.000% * 5000; totalSamplesSeen = 45000; learningRatePerSample = 1; epochTime=0.527745s
            Finished Epoch[10 of 10]: [Training] cr = -0.00000000 * 5000; errs = 0.000% * 5000; totalSamplesSeen = 50000; learningRatePerSample = 1; epochTime=0.552185s

Может ли кто-нибудь помочь мне сказать, где возможно, что мой cntk неправильный?

person user1494907    schedule 17.01.2017    source источник

Ответы (1)

Вы получаете этот результат, потому что используете CrossEntropyWithSoftmax на двоичной метке. Есть два решения вашей проблемы. Одно из решений состоит в том, чтобы иметь двухмерный вывод и метку 1 0 или 0 1. Другое решение состоит в том, чтобы передать ваш окончательный вывод через сигмоид и использовать Логистическая операция.

person Nikos Karampatziakis    schedule 18.01.2017
Спасибо, Никос, после того, как я начал читать учебник по Python, я понял, что неправильно понимаю классификацию в CNTK. Ваш ответ подтверждает, что я ошибался. Большое спасибо за помощь. :) - person user1494907; 19.01.2017