Какое правильное название для модуля Guava в приложении GWT?

В GWT SDK есть 2 jar-файла: gwt-user.jar и gwt-dev.jar. Поскольку они находятся в моем пути к классам, я могу использовать их без проблем.

Однако, когда я попытался использовать guava, связанный с gwt (com.google.gwt. ThirdParty.Guava.common), я получаю следующую ошибку во время выполнения на стороне клиента:

Исходный код для типа com.google.gwt.thirdparty.guava.common.collect.Lists недоступен; вы забыли наследовать необходимый модуль?

Да, я, наверное, забыл унаследовать модуль required, но я понятия не имею, какой из них предназначен для гуавы :)

Я проверил банки и нашел много файлов .gwt.xml, но в gwt-user.jar и нет знака гуавы: O

Обновление: похоже, проблема с наличием guava.jar и guava-gwt.jar @ classpath. Поэтому сейчас я использую только guava-gwt.jar, но это регистрируется при запуске приложения. Компилятор жалуется на javax.annotation и тому подобное ... Я не могу вставить сюда полный журнал из-за ограничения количества символов.

 [DEBUG] [databasemanager] - Validating newly compiled units
        [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Errors in 'jar:file:/home/miso/Java%20libs/guava-r08/guava-r08-gwt.jar!/com/google/common/base/Equivalence.java'
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 20: The import javax.annotation cannot be resolved
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 51: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 51: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 60: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
        [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Errors in 'jar:file:/home/miso/Java%20libs/guava-r08/guava-r08-gwt.jar!/com/google/common/base/Equivalences.java'
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 20: The import javax.annotation cannot be resolved
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 73: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 73: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 78: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 83: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 83: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 87: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
        [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Errors in 'jar:file:/home/miso/Java%20libs/guava-r08/guava-r08-gwt.jar!/com/google/common/base/Function.java'
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 19: The import javax.annotation cannot be resolved
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 43: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 55: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
        [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Errors in 'jar:file:/home/miso/Java%20libs/guava-r08/guava-r08-gwt.jar!/com/google/common/base/Functions.java'
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 25: The import javax.annotation cannot be resolved
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 108: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 137: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 145: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 155: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 200: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 241: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 266: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 273: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 277: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 281: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
        [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Errors in 'jar:file:/home/miso/Java%20libs/guava-r08/guava-r08-gwt.jar!/com/google/common/base/Joiner.java'
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 28: The import javax.annotation cannot be resolved
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 113: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 113: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 147: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 147: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 171: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 171: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
        [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Errors in 'jar:file:/home/miso/Java%20libs/guava-r08/guava-r08-gwt.jar!/com/google/common/base/Objects.java'
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 25: The import javax.annotation cannot be resolved
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 50: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 50: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 160: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 160: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 188: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 203: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
        [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Errors in 'jar:file:/home/miso/Java%20libs/guava-r08/guava-r08-gwt.jar!/com/google/common/base/Preconditions.java'
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 24: The import javax.annotation cannot be resolved
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 86: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 112: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 113: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 143: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 169: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 170: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 202: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 227: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 228: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 298: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 348: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 413: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
        [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Errors in 'jar:file:/home/miso/Java%20libs/guava-r08/guava-r08-gwt.jar!/com/google/common/base/Predicate.java'
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 21: The import javax.annotation cannot be resolved
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 45: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 57: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
        [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Errors in 'jar:file:/home/miso/Java%20libs/guava-r08/guava-r08-gwt.jar!/com/google/common/base/super/com/google/common/base/Predicates.java'
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 29: The import javax.annotation cannot be resolved
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 171: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 209: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 214: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 219: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 224: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 248: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 282: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 314: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 341: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 362: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 368: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 399: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 432: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
        [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Errors in 'jar:file:/home/miso/Java%20libs/guava-r08/guava-r08-gwt.jar!/com/google/common/base/Strings.java'
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 26: The import javax.annotation cannot be resolved
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 45: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 56: Nullable cannot be resolved to
        [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Errors in 'jar:file:/home/miso/Java%20libs/guava-r08/guava-r08-gwt.jar!/com/google/common/base/Suppliers.java'
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 26: The import javax.annotation cannot be resolved
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 189: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 197: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
        [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Errors in 'jar:file:/home/miso/Java%20libs/guava-r08/guava-r08-gwt.jar!/com/google/common/collect/super/com/google/common/collect/AbstractBiMap.java'
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 31: The import javax.annotation cannot be resolved
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 99: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 99: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
        [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Errors in 'jar:file:/home/miso/Java%20libs/guava-r08/guava-r08-gwt.jar!/com/google/common/collect/AbstractLinkedIterator.java'
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 24: The import javax.annotation cannot be resolved
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 45: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
        [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Errors in 'jar:file:/home/miso/Java%20libs/guava-r08/guava-r08-gwt.jar!/com/google/common/collect/AbstractListMultimap.java'
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 25: The import javax.annotation cannot be resolved
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 60: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 71: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 83: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 94: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 94: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 115: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
        [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Errors in 'jar:file:/home/miso/Java%20libs/guava-r08/guava-r08-gwt.jar!/com/google/common/collect/super/com/google/common/collect/AbstractMapBasedMultiset.java'
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 36: The import javax.annotation cannot be resolved
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 225: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 230: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 244: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 266: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 322: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
        [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Errors in 'jar:file:/home/miso/Java%20libs/guava-r08/guava-r08-gwt.jar!/com/google/common/collect/AbstractMapEntry.java'
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 24: The import javax.annotation cannot be resolved
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 43: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
        [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Errors in 'jar:file:/home/miso/Java%20libs/guava-r08/guava-r08-gwt.jar!/com/google/common/collect/AbstractMultimap.java'
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 42: The import javax.annotation cannot be resolved
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 154: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 172: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 176: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 186: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 186: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 193: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 193: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 204: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 213: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 213: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 231: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 266: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 293: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 335: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 349: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 362: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 362: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 391: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 392: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 457: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 630: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 640: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 641: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 687: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 688: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 817: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 818: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 900: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 1284: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 1355: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 1464: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
        [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Errors in 'jar:file:/home/miso/Java%20libs/guava-r08/guava-r08-gwt.jar!/com/google/common/collect/AbstractMultiset.java'
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 29: The import javax.annotation cannot be resolved
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 61: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 80: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 152: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
        [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Errors in 'jar:file:/home/miso/Java%20libs/guava-r08/guava-r08-gwt.jar!/com/google/common/collect/AbstractSetMultimap.java'
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 25: The import javax.annotation cannot be resolved
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 58: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 80: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 94: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 127: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
        [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Errors in 'jar:file:/home/miso/Java%20libs/guava-r08/guava-r08-gwt.jar!/com/google/common/collect/AbstractSortedSetMultimap.java'
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 25: The import javax.annotation cannot be resolved
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 64: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 76: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
        [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Errors in 'jar:file:/home/miso/Java%20libs/guava-r08/guava-r08-gwt.jar!/com/google/common/collect/BiMap.java'
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 24: The import javax.annotation cannot be resolved
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 46: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 46: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 65: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 65: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
        [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Errors in 'jar:file:/home/miso/Java%20libs/guava-r08/guava-r08-gwt.jar!/com/google/common/collect/ByFunctionOrdering.java'
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 27: The import javax.annotation cannot be resolved
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 49: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
        [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Errors in 'jar:file:/home/miso/Java%20libs/guava-r08/guava-r08-gwt.jar!/com/google/common/collect/ClassToInstanceMap.java'
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 23: The import javax.annotation cannot be resolved
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 58: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
        [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Errors in 'jar:file:/home/miso/Java%20libs/guava-r08/guava-r08-gwt.jar!/com/google/common/collect/ComparatorOrdering.java'
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 28: The import javax.annotation cannot be resolved
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 55: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
        [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Errors in 'jar:file:/home/miso/Java%20libs/guava-r08/guava-r08-gwt.jar!/com/google/common/collect/ComparisonChain.java'
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 26: The import javax.annotation cannot be resolved
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 71: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 71: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 109: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 109: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 112: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 113: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 113: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 149: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 149: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
        [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Errors in 'jar:file:/home/miso/Java%20libs/guava-r08/guava-r08-gwt.jar!/com/google/common/collect/super/com/google/common/collect/EnumHashBiMap.java'
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 24: The import javax.annotation cannot be resolved
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 75: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 79: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
        [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Errors in 'jar:file:/home/miso/Java%20libs/guava-r08/guava-r08-gwt.jar!/com/google/common/collect/ExplicitOrdering.java'
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 24: The import javax.annotation cannot be resolved
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 61: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
        [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Errors in 'jar:file:/home/miso/Java%20libs/guava-r08/guava-r08-gwt.jar!/com/google/common/collect/ForwardingCollection.java'
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 26: The import javax.annotation cannot be resolved
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 117: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 156: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
        [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Errors in 'jar:file:/home/miso/Java%20libs/guava-r08/guava-r08-gwt.jar!/com/google/common/collect/super/com/google/common/collect/ForwardingImmutableCollection.java'
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 21: The import javax.annotation cannot be resolved
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 42: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
        [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Errors in 'jar:file:/home/miso/Java%20libs/guava-r08/guava-r08-gwt.jar!/com/google/common/collect/ForwardingList.java'
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 27: The import javax.annotation cannot be resolved
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 104: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 145: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 157: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 214: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
        [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Errors in 'jar:file:/home/miso/Java%20libs/guava-r08/guava-r08-gwt.jar!/com/google/common/collect/ForwardingListMultimap.java'
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 23: The import javax.annotation cannot be resolved
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 43: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 47: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
        [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Errors in 'jar:file:/home/miso/Java%20libs/guava-r08/guava-r08-gwt.jar!/com/google/common/collect/ForwardingMap.java'
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 29: The import javax.annotation cannot be resolved
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 117: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 149: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 198: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 222: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 263: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
        [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Errors in 'jar:file:/home/miso/Java%20libs/guava-r08/guava-r08-gwt.jar!/com/google/common/collect/ForwardingMapEntry.java'
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 26: The import javax.annotation cannot be resolved
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 76: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 92: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
        [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Errors in 'jar:file:/home/miso/Java%20libs/guava-r08/guava-r08-gwt.jar!/com/google/common/collect/ForwardingMultimap.java'
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 26: The import javax.annotation cannot be resolved
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 54: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 54: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 58: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 62: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 70: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 98: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 98: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 102: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 118: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
        [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Errors in 'jar:file:/home/miso/Java%20libs/guava-r08/guava-r08-gwt.jar!/com/google/common/collect/ForwardingMultiset.java'
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 27: The import javax.annotation cannot be resolved
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 80: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 103: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 129: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 271: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
        [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Errors in 'jar:file:/home/miso/Java%20libs/guava-r08/guava-r08-gwt.jar!/com/google/common/collect/ForwardingSet.java'
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 24: The import javax.annotation cannot be resolved
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 56: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 71: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
        [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Errors in 'jar:file:/home/miso/Java%20libs/guava-r08/guava-r08-gwt.jar!/com/google/common/collect/ForwardingSetMultimap.java'
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 24: The import javax.annotation cannot be resolved
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 45: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 49: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
        [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Errors in 'jar:file:/home/miso/Java%20libs/guava-r08/guava-r08-gwt.jar!/com/google/common/collect/ForwardingSortedMap.java'
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 27: The import javax.annotation cannot be resolved
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 107: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 131: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
        [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Errors in 'jar:file:/home/miso/Java%20libs/guava-r08/guava-r08-gwt.jar!/com/google/common/collect/ForwardingSortedSet.java'
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 27: The import javax.annotation cannot be resolved
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 104: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 127: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
        [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Errors in 'jar:file:/home/miso/Java%20libs/guava-r08/guava-r08-gwt.jar!/com/google/common/collect/ForwardingSortedSetMultimap.java'
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 24: The import javax.annotation cannot be resolved
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 44: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 48: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
        [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Errors in 'jar:file:/home/miso/Java%20libs/guava-r08/guava-r08-gwt.jar!/com/google/common/collect/HashBasedTable.java'
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 29: The import javax.annotation cannot be resolved
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 114: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 114: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 118: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 122: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 126: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 130: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 130: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 134: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 139: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 139: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
        [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Errors in 'jar:file:/home/miso/Java%20libs/guava-r08/guava-r08-gwt.jar!/com/google/common/collect/super/com/google/common/collect/HashBiMap.java'
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 24: The import javax.annotation cannot be resolved
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 79: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 79: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 83: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 83: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
        [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Errors in 'jar:file:/home/miso/Java%20libs/guava-r08/guava-r08-gwt.jar!/com/google/common/collect/super/com/google/common/collect/ImmutableCollection.java'
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 25: The import javax.annotation cannot be resolved
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 67: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
        [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Errors in 'jar:file:/home/miso/Java%20libs/guava-r08/guava-r08-gwt.jar!/com/google/common/collect/ImmutableEntry.java'
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 23: The import javax.annotation cannot be resolved
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 34: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 34: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
        [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Errors in 'jar:file:/home/miso/Java%20libs/guava-r08/guava-r08-gwt.jar!/com/google/common/collect/super/com/google/common/collect/ImmutableList.java'
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 32: The import javax.annotation cannot be resolved
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 220: Nullable cannot be resolved to a type
            [ERROR] [databasemanager] - Line 224: Nullable cannot be resolved to 
            [WARN] [databasemanager] - Ignoring unresolvable annotation type com.google.common.annotations.GwtCompatible
    [INFO] [databasemanager] -
    [INFO] [databasemanager] - Module databasemanager has been loaded

person Xorty    schedule 12.06.2011    source источник

Ответы (4)

Ошибка в guava-r08, http://code.google.com/p/guava-libraries/issues/detail?id=586, что приводит к сообщению об исключении "Не удается разрешить импорт javax.annotation".

Есть два решения:

  • Либо используйте guava-r09, где этот баг исправлен,
  • или загрузите jsr-305.jar и добавьте его в путь к классам.
person Chris Lercher    schedule 13.06.2011
Я могу подтвердить, что добавление новой версии guava-r09.jar и guava-r09-gwt.jar решило проблему! - person Xorty; 13.06.2011
Эта ссылка на jsr-305.jar не работает. Где я могу найти его сейчас? - person Nick Heiner; 05.02.2012
@Rosarch: например, здесь: guava-libraries.googlecode .com/git-history/v8.0/lib/jsr305.jar - person Chris Lercher; 07.02.2012

Я не думаю, что вы вообще должны использовать переупакованный GWT материал Guava. Я предполагаю, что это только для внутреннего использования. Вам следует загрузить последний выпуск Guava здесь и включить из него jar-файлы guava и guava-gwt. . Затем вам нужно будет наследовать модули на основе пакетов, которые вы хотите использовать. Пакет сбора потребует

<inherits name="com.google.common.collect.Collect"/>
person ColinD    schedule 12.06.2011
Я добавил банки guava и guava-gwt в свой путь к классам и в папку войны /lib, а затем вставил имя вашего модуля. Однако я получил эту ошибку: невозможно найти «com/google/common/collect/Collect.gwt.xml» в вашем пути к классам; может быть опечатка, или, может быть, вы забыли включить запись classpath для источника - person Xorty; 12.06.2011
@Xorty: Похоже, что по какой-то причине jar guava-gwt не находится в пути к классам, когда GWT пытается скомпилировать. - person ColinD; 12.06.2011
У меня есть пользовательская библиотека в пути к классам, которая содержит обе банки: хотите увидеть? - person Xorty; 12.06.2011
@Xorty: Ну, этот XML-файл определенно существует в банке guava-gwt, поэтому я не уверен, что сказать. Вероятно, что-то не так настроено. В любом случае, я не думаю, что смогу больше помочь с этим (я только один раз настроил проект с использованием GWT и Guava). - person ColinD; 12.06.2011
@CollinD - конечно, я только что добавил новое обновление, может быть, вы хотели бы это увидеть :) - person Xorty; 13.06.2011
Я сказал последний выпуск Guava! - person ColinD; 13.06.2011
Правильно, я предположил, что он у меня есть :/ Ответ Криса только что пришел мне в голову, wtf у меня есть guava-r08, а не -r09 :) - person Xorty; 13.06.2011
Я не знал, что вам нужно загрузить и guava, и guava-gwt, я пытался использовать только -gwt и не имел большого успеха. +1 за это :) - person Nathan Monteleone; 31.07.2012
Этот ответ неверен, OP ссылается на частную внутреннюю гуаву внутри GWT, а не на настоящую публичную гуаву. - person mP.; 27.11.2012
@mP.: Разве это не именно то, что я сказал, когда сказал, что не думаю, что вы вообще должны использовать переупакованный GWT материал Guava? - person ColinD; 29.11.2012

Вы ссылаетесь на com.google.gwt.thirdparty.guava.common.collect.Lists из переупакованных вкусностей гуавы в GWT. Вам нужно будет включить банки гуавы (как guava, так и guava-gwt) и изменить импорт, чтобы использовать com.google.common.collect.Lists.

person Ray    schedule 13.06.2011

Если вы используете maven, просто измените pom.xml с помощью


и использовать

import com.google.common.collect.Iterables;
person membersound    schedule 18.03.2013